Muscle paralysis: a noninvasive treatment
jeudi, 01 octobre 2015
by alexandrehryb
“A noninvasive treatment helped 5 men with complete muscle paralysis in the lower body voluntarily move their legs in a step-like pattern. The finding suggests that stimulation may help reactivate dormant nerve connections between the brain and spinal cord in some paralyzed patients. The spinal cord is the central nerve cable connecting the brain to
- publié dans etiopathie / etiopathe
Tagged under:
Alexandre HRYB, Alexandre HRYB cogolin, Alexandre HRYB etiopathe, Alexandre HRYB la londe, Alexandre HRYB saint tropez, Alexandre HRYB sainte maxime, Alexandre HRYB trets, chiropracteur, chiropractie, etiopathe, etiopathe 83120, etiopathe 83250, etiopathe 83310, etiopathe 83980, etiopathe 83990, etiopathe cogolin, etiopathe la londe, etiopathe le lavandou, etiopathe saint tropez, etiopathe sainte maxime, etiopathe var, etiopathie, osteopathe, osteopathe 83, osteopathe 83120, osteopathe 83250, osteopathe 83310, osteopathe 83980, osteopathe 83990, osteopathe cogolin, osteopathe la londe, osteopathe le lavandou, osteopathe saint tropez, osteopathe sainte maxime, osteopathie, Paralysis, Paralysis therapy, Spine, Spine stimulation, stimulator, Surgical implant, transcutafneous stimulation
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